Thursday, August 27, 2020

Spanish American War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Spanish American War - Essay Example The two understandings made each side oppose the decisions that neglected to support their contention (Brinkley 56). This is regardless of the decision bodies’ aim which is to address history and guarantee that there will be no comparative examples in future or concealed ill will among the states in question. Court and revisionist translations have respected differing and clashing contentions in regards to the Spanish American War, where America brought about advocating its inclusion (Nunez 50). The part of Cuban mortification while under Spanish guideline provoked reluctant America to be engaged with the war. America contended that they were distinctly viewing the monstrosities Spanish rulers were executing in Cuba without thinking about the government assistance of the residents. At first, America was reluctant to intercede, yet because of consistent arguing by its neighbors (Cuba), it had no other option. As per America, it didn't mean to enjoy the war, yet their inclusion exuded from the sinking of Maine war vessel. This infuriated the Americans who, because of political impacts, constrained William McKinley to a revolt. The possibility came at a perfect time when they were wishing Cuban opportunity from the Spanish domain, which brought about the ejection of an extreme war. America guaranteed that its goals were earnest and implied best for the Cuban residents (Hernandez 7). Furthermore, court understanding contended that other than America’s helpful contribution in the war, it likewise needed to help Cuba in achieving freedom. This was from the citizen’s early consistent supplication before connecting with the Spanish protection from vindicate for the sinking of their ship. America planned Cuba to stop being a Spanish state where, by means of its maritime commitment, oversaw effectively to vanquish their adversaries, in this manner making Cubans beginning their excursion to autonomy (Hernandez 11).

Saturday, August 22, 2020

System Dynamic Modeling Methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Framework Dynamic Modeling Methodology - Essay Example Framework elements is the examination and use of how the framework functions and how it could be enhanced and made increasingly productive. From the administration perspective, framework elements is an essential device without which any endeavor at compelling dynamic is full of grave dangers and threat to the undertaking. All things being equal, choices dependent on careful usage of framework elements are no assurance without a doubt achievement, in spite of the fact that they may help somewhat in keeping up business as usual after intensive preliminary and testing. As a guide to dynamic, framework elements has no other option. It consumes the whole domain of components, utilities, exercises, apparatuses, components, and even motivators and inspirations that go into the result of a solitary item. It is the root from which the administration could want to draw the organic products, and the pruning from which better development could be guaranteed [1]. The beginnings of framework elements incorporate the whole administration pecking order. It is a procedure which is as much significant on the shop floor all things considered at the most elevated administration level. The hypothesis of framework elements depends on specific suppositions pertinent to the creation and activity of the framework that runs the undertaking. The core values for the administration of the biological system are interlinked with those of the assembling units and a worldwide temperature alteration issues. Each of these is significantly connected to the next and their fruitful coordination is basic so as to shorten destructive nursery impacts and safeguard life and normal assets. The modalities for planning multipurpose framework elements depend on the perception and investigations of a few controls of both normal and synthetic request. Biological systems and natural procedures identified with hydrology, hydrochemistry, hydrobiology, water bodies, thermodynamics, ecological topography, science and measurements covering environments and biology, mechanical insights, waste and contamination the board insights and ways to deal with data frameworks and activities explore are a portion of the significant highlights that accept conspicuousness being developed of framework elements demonstrating approach. It is important to guarantee the segments involving every framework assessment doesn't cover with various trains, or regardless of whether they do they don't present twisted however exact data with regards to the personality of the factor or factors the part of the framework is following. For example, on the off chance that there is a solitary concoction compound sullying a water body, at that point the segment of the framework following it ought to be the equivalent for the wellspring of the synthetic exacerbate, its course and its last goal. [2] Bit of leeway/impediment (confinement of the strategy) Framework elements gives steady criticism based on which choices can be taken and remedial estimates applied. In reality, the utility and extent of the framework elements lays on its capacity to give data to settling on the resulting strategy. Corporate arrangements and choices through suitable utilization of quantitative examination and determination of right data could bring about better odds of accomplishment. One of the serious issues with the framework is that the

Friday, August 21, 2020

Add Animated Back-To-Top widget in your Blogger Templates

Add Animated Back-To-Top widget in your Blogger Templates Blog visitors always like user friendly blog where they can visit the sites comfortably. For this reason bloggers always use different widget to make their blog more user friendly. As a result, Back To Top widget has got priority to back in top instantly without scrolling mouse for longer time. Definitely this widget helps to visitors comfortable. We have already god many Back To Top widget but most of them are used with .js file that is responsible to make your blog slower. So I am just going to share a Back To Top widget that will appear at the bottom of your blog when a visitors scroll half of the page. So it is not like old static Back To Top widget. If someone back into top then this widget will disappear. You can see the demo in my template. So let's proceed to the tutorial. Step 1Log in to your Blogger account and Go to yourBlogger Dashboard Step 2Click on -Template- Edit HTML Step 3Now Find thiscode]]/b:skinby pressingCtrl+F Step 4Paste the below CodeBefore/above]]/b:skin .c_images img {width: 57px;height: 57px;} .c_images img {width: 57px;height: 57px;} .selectnav { display: none; } .c_images img {width: 57px;height: 57px;} .selectnav { display: none; } .c_images img {width: 57px;height: 57px;} .selectnav { display: none; } !--Widget By Step 5Now again Find thiscode/bodyby pressingCtrl+F Step 6Paste the below CodeBefore/above/body a id='bs-bt-top-nav' title='Back to top'Back to top/a script type='text/javascript' //![CDATA[ $(window).scroll(function() { if($(this).scrollTop() 200) { $('#bs-bt-top-nav').show(); } else { $('#bs-bt-top-nav').hide(); } }); $('#bs-bt-top-nav').hide().click(function() { $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:0}, 1000); return false; }); //]] /script Step 7Now Hit on save Button

Monday, May 25, 2020

Evaluation Of Performance Management System - 1386 Words

1.0 Introduction Performance management is an ongoing process of communication between a supervisor and their employees to achieve the goal of the company. It also considers as the process of providing a better work environment for their employees to perform the jobs. Performance management system includes develop a clear job descriptions, select the right people in the right position, provide training to their employees, provide compensation and others. For example, Microsoft Corporation provides personal freedom to their software developers to select their own training courses (Brundage, n.d). However, performance appraisal is the process by which a manager compares the present standards and the employee’s work behavior. The reason is†¦show more content†¦If a company that have an evaluation against their employees, their employees will perform well on the jobs. Based on the evaluation, employees who perform well will receive rewards or compensation from the company. As the Microsoft Corporation, they will reward their employees some bonuses, stock awards and others benefits such as health and wellness, paid time off for new parents, allow employees to buy company share at a discount and many others (Perks Benefits, n.d). There are some objectives why we conduct this research: †¢ Firstly, to understand the importance of the performance management and appraisal of the company and employees in order to find some methods to improve it and not ignore it. †¢ In addition, to find out and show how to evaluate employee’s work behavior in order to place the right people in the right position to advance performance. †¢ Lastly, to learn how to manage a good relationship or skill of interaction between the supervisor and the employees. 2.0 Content 2.1 Description and discussion of the topic based on ten (10) relevant references In brief, a process which delivers criticism, responsibility, and documentation for performance consequences is known as performance management. It even aids staffs to contribute their efforts toward organizational objectives (Gallant, 2012). On the other hand, there’s a detailed version of explanation on the terms performance management. Performance management

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Anthropology Is The World Safe For Human Differences

American anthropologist Ruth Benedict believed that â€Å"the purpose of anthropology is to make the world safe for human differences.† Each individual can experience the world in his or her own way, and learning about these experiences enables us humans to connect with each other and grow. Cultural anthropologists make it their duty to observe and take part in cultures that are different than their own, and to share their stories with others. Culture is a definitive part of the way we interact with our environment, and anthropologists work to uncover trends and similarities between different cultures. Not only does the exposure allow individuals to be more tolerant within society, but also more accepting. The world is filled with an abundance of information, and we can only become more powerful with it. By observing art, customs, behavior, and other definitive aspects of a particular group through a holistic approach, cultural anthropologists can gain a better perspective of a particular culture. Anthropologists are able to see how these definitive aspects interconnect, and what they say about society at large. Through a holistic perspective, an observer can understand the functions of a culture more thoroughly and accurately by looking at all aspects of what makes something whole. In the exhibit labeled â€Å"Of the Contested West†, researchers presented two sides to the same story. To Anglo-Americans, expanding towards the West was profitable, with chances for new opportunities andShow MoreRelatedAnthropology : The World Safe For Human Differences1292 Words   |  6 Pagesonce said, â€Å"the purpose of anthropology is to make the world safe for human differences† (Appell-Warren 2015). People fear differences because they fear the unknown – the idea of not kn owing and being on the outside really frightens them. This is why often times, society marginalizes people with disabilities because their appearances look different from what society considers normal or because their behaviors do not fit societal norms. However, the field of anthropology broadens the scope of understandingRead MoreAnthropology : Anthropology And Cultural Anthropology1472 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is anthropology? This is a question that can be answered in numerous ways, but we are going to define it as simple as possible. If we break the word down into its two components it means the study of human beings. â€Å"Anthropo† means human beings or human kind and â€Å"logy† or â€Å"logia† is Greek for the study or knowledge of something. When we put it all together, it is the study of human beings which can be very broad. 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Cultural diversity is the quality of diverse or different cultures. I have chosen to discuss the difference between American and Indian cultures. Particularly, the culture surrounding pregnancy and birth. Thanks to globalization, there are Indians giving birth in America and Americans giving birth in India. It is important to recognize that people from different cultures experience life in a variety of ways. These include different ways of lookingRead MoreThe Journey Of Man By Spencer Wells1200 Words   |  5 PagesAnthropology and genetics are two fields that, when put together, discover some amazing things. Most of these amazing things are written in the book The Journey of Man, by Spencer Wells. In it, he explains where humans originated from, and how we came to populate the entire globe. It is both humbling and riveting, and a great start to understanding how much work truly goes in to studying our past. The Journey of Man was an interesting non-fictional anthropological literary piece where the authorRead MoreHuman Evolution Is A Controversial Topic1338 Words   |  6 Pages Introduction Human evolution is a very controversial topic all around the world- mostly due to religion. Despite the conflict between religion and the science of human evolution, recently, there has been a statement made by Pope Francis saying that it is possible for both God and evolution (along with the Big Bang) to exist. The Pope implies He [God] created human beings and let them develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one so they would reach their fulfillment (McKennaRead MoreEssay on Gender Roles in Dakota Culture909 Words   |  4 Pagesthe Dakota tribe were very specific and there were no crossing of the sexes. To begin, I think it is important to analyze the difference between â€Å"sex† and â€Å"gender†. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sexual Harassment And The Workplace - 963 Words

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace There are federal laws put in position to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. Most employees sometimes don’t even realize what sexual harassment is are when they are committing this violation. On the flip side an employee may not realized when they are being sexually harassed and when is the appropriate time to speak up. Education on sexual harassment has increased within the workplace as cases are more public and fines are getting steeper. In this research paper I would fully discuss what sexual harassment. I will start on the origin of sexual harassment and how it came into law. I will discuss what environment of sexual harassment looks like in the work place. The reader should be able to discover the different types of sexual harassment: Quid pro quo and Indirect. I will show you illustrated trends of sexual harassment in the work place over the years. I will discuss how sexual harassment affect both parties, meaning the employer and the employee. I will back up theses affects by laws that are set in place to protect the employee and hold the employer responsible. I will give an analysis on recent litigation involving sexual harassment in the workplace. In my conclusion I will give a recommendation on how to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace and what management can to protect their employees. Sexual Harassment Sexual Harassment is defined as â€Å"unwelcomed verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that isShow MoreRelatedSexual Harassment At The Workplace1697 Words   |  7 PagesSexual Harassment in the Workplace Eva L. Mendez-Zacher MG260, Business Law I 28 September 2014 Dr. Anita Whitby Abstract I’m conducting a study on Sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment is possible in all social and economic classes, ethnic groups, jobs and places in the community. Through this study I hope to clarify the common misconception that sexual harassment is an isolated female problem. Although the majority of the cases reported are in fact male on femaleRead MoreSexual Harassment At The Workplace990 Words   |  4 PagesIt is great to have a workplace where you are friends with your coworkers. But what happens when coworkers talk about other coworkers in a sexual context. Two male coworkers talking about female staff where coworkers in the area can hear. Your manager suggests that they can help you earn a promotion if you go out with them. This puts employees in awkward situations where they might not know if this is considered sexual harassment. If it is, an employee maybe unsure what to do about it. AccordingRead MoreSexual Harassment And The Workplace1396 Words   |  6 PagesEssay #3 Sexual harassment in the workplace has always been an issue, even before women were introduced into the working environment in the twentieth century. In recent years this issue may have become more publicized than before and not as overlooked as it used to be, but it unfortunately affects people all across the nation, both men and women alike. From that fast food chain where your kid is working at, to that fortune 500 company you’ve never heard of, it is happening. Over the last severalRead MoreSexual Harassment At The Workplace2180 Words   |  9 PagesSexual harassment is among the many factors that make employees uncomfortable at the workplace. This vice is a sum of all the unwelcomed advances of sexual nature that employees go through from their colleagues or superiors. There is no gender limit to sexual harassment since both males and females may be coerced to engage in some things for sexual favours. Sexual harassment takes both verbal and physical form. Since managers are responsible for the provision of a comfortable working environmentRead MoreSexual Harassment At The Workplace1253 Words   |  6 PagesSexual Harassment in the Workplace What cause sexual harassment in the workplace? Sexual harassment is defined as discrimination towards sex. It is unwanted verbal and/or physical contact between two human beings, however, in this case I would like to focus on the workplace (co-worker or supervisor). Based on Civil Rights Act of 1991, there has been an increased amount of incentives for employer’s prohibition conducts of sexual harassment. How people perceive and evaluate sexual harassmentRead MoreSexual Harassment And The Workplace1697 Words   |  7 PagesSexual Harassment in the Work Place: Building More Awareness In today’s society, sexual harassment in the workplace has become a problem. This problem should have more attention and awareness provided to help stop these situations from happening. Sexual harassment can happen anywhere, at any time, and to everyone. It does not discriminate and effects all ethnicity, genders, age, and races. Due to the larger number of cases presented in courts today, sexual harassment in the workplace continues toRead MoreSexual Harassment At The Workplace1359 Words   |  6 Pagesfor any company to legally define what constitutes sexual harassment in the workplace, but there are many ways to define sexual harassment. Everyone has different views and tolerance levels towards sexual harassment. When a case of sexual harassment occurs in a workplace, however, it comes down to how the courts define sexual harassment. The Supreme Court defines sexual harassment to be unlawful in two ways. â€Å"The first type involves sexual harassment that results in a t angible employment action;† thisRead MoreSexual Harassment And The Workplace Essay1466 Words   |  6 PagesSexual Harassment in the Workplace Introduction Sexual harassment is an ethical problem in the workplace. Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. It can affect your working conditions and creates a hostile work environment. It can also affect productivity, satisfaction, retention, patient care and safety, your physical well-being and mental health. It can also cause low staff morale, increased absenteeism and attrition of staff. This studentRead MoreSexual Harassment And The Workplace1608 Words   |  7 Pagessubject to sexual harassment ranging from sexually degrading comments to physical acts of sexual assault. Unfortunately for the women working at the mine, that was only the beginning of the harassment they’d experience. If this was not damaging enough, women were deterred, if not, outright sanctioned for reporting instances of harassment to management. It is reasonable to assume that culture at Pearson Taconite and Steel fostered a hostile work environment for women. Though the issue of sexual harassmentRead MoreSexual Harassment At The Workplace1697 Words   |  7 Pages Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Eva L. Mendez-Zacher MG260, Business Law I 28 September 2014 Dr. Anita Whitby Abstract I’m conducting a study on Sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment is possible in all social and economic classes, ethnic groups, jobs and places in the community. Through this study I hope to clarify the common misconception that sexual harassment is an isolated female problem. Although the majority of the cases reported are in fact male on female

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Ethics Utilitarian Theory

Question: Discuss the ethical theories that may be relevant to each decision that Elaine and Dennis have made this situation. Answer: In the context of this case study, the decisions made by Elaine and Dennis have a number of ethical and moral grounds. As mentioned by Dion (2012) the Utilitarian theory of ethics says that an action is good if its overall effect produce more happiness than unhappiness. The acceptance of the lone application of the American drug dealing firm or the applicants in Elaines bank would create more unhappiness at the end than the momentary gain for the companies. Hence, the decision of rejection of the deals and the lone can be identified as ethical under the Utilitarian approach. On the other hand, the explanation of the ethical egoism developed by Nicillo Mechivelli can be referred in this regard. As discussed by Wolbring (2012) this particular ethical theory says that the end justifies the means. Hence, the decision of rejecting the loan application of Electrode International and the Brazilian company can be identified as an ethical decision. The lone would have helped them in operating a business which would create an adverse economic and environmental end. On the other hand, the decision regarding the cigar importing company was typically directed by the deontological ethics of Immanuel Kant. This theory says that the peoples action needs to be guided by moral laws and that regulations are universal (Dion 2012). This theory creates the basis of national laws. Here, Elaine took the decision against the Canadian company operating in the importing business of cigars from Cuba only because it was against the gridlines of the US laws. References: Dion, M., 2012. Are ethical theories relevant for ethical leadership?. Leadership Organization Development Journal, 33(1), pp.4-24. Wolbring, G., 2012. Ethical theories and discourses through an ability expectations and ableism lens: The case of enhancement and global regulation. Asian Bioethics Review, 4(4), pp.293-309.